Our priorities for 2024-25

These are the projects and health issues that we'll be working on over the next 12 months.

Your experiences of primary care: doctors, dentists, Milton Keynes hospital and local pharmacies

We will scale up our activities to review whether patients are experiencing benefits/disadvantages as a result of the many changes that are happening around access to primary care.

We are increasingly expected to use digital technology to get GP appointments, encouraged to use a pharmacy instead of GP services and use an assortment of different professionals to help us. We are committed to listening to residents, understanding their patient journey, and exploring how local service improvements would benefit them. We will do this through patient surveys, Enter and View visits to primary care settings, and audits of the way GP practices communicate with their patients.

Reducing health inequalities in Milton Keynes

We will be supporting the BLMK Integrated Care Board to act against the recommendations of the Denny Review through these projects:

  • Reducing inequalities through improved accessibility.
  • Researching what translation and interpretation services are available in MK and how well do they work – how can they be delivered better in future?
  • Reducing inequalities through improved awareness and knowledge of how to prevent ill health and access to support.
  • Events to support residents to talk about their health inequalities and learn about support.
  • Reducing inequalities through improved involvement with services.
  • Working with Patient Participation Groups to identify gaps in their membership and improve participation from diverse communities. We’ll co-design a toolkit that other PPGs can use in the future.

Co-designing future MSK services

The next musculoskeletal services provider will be contracted in the Summer. We’ll be supporting BLMK ICB to make sure the under-represented communities in Milton Keynes have the opportunity to co-design how future MSK services can work best for everyone who needs them.

Three young girls with their backs to the camera, on the left a girl with blonde hair in plaits and a grey hoodie is talking to another girl on her right hand side, who is wearing a light blue t shirt.

Your experiences of mental health services

With recent and emerging changes to the key mental health support services in Milton Keynes, we want to hear how residents identify, access and experience mental health support. We’ll be prepping this large piece of work with initial research.

Enter and View 

Using our statutory power, we’ll continue to reach people whilst they are accessing or in  receipt of care, be it in their care home, their own homes, GP practice or hospital. The residents of Milton Keynes will be able to see through our reports, how others experience care within local health and care services, and what improvements service providers commit to.


Image credits: Age without limits, Carolina Grabowksa (Pexels)