What do Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in our city think about the NHS England vaccinations programme?

NHS England asked us to explore how Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities in MK felt about vaccinations, and how they could make vaccinations more accessible.

We wanted to understand how Bangladeshi and Pakistani groups perceive NHS vaccination services such as COVID-19 vaccination and flu, including identifying the the things that may stop them or their family getting a vaccine. 


Following our research, we made these recommendations that would improve the current vaccinations programme for people in Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities:

  • Important National health messages should be made available in other languages and formats at the same time as they are put out in English.
  • Avoid making assumptions, or targeting messaging, on the basis that people or individuals from a particular ethnic group are having the same experience.
  • Ensuring that faith leaders, community role models and community leaders are involved and educated early will mean that there are fewer gaps in knowledge that could be filled with misinformation.
  • Have seasonal, all age, central vaccination centres working on a drop-in basis in the future will allow families to come together and all be vaccinated at the same time.


Download the full report. 

Exploring views on vaccinations

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