1. Report -

    The purpose of this Enter and View programme was to engage with patients, or their relatives/carers, to find out how they felt about the level and effectiveness of communications between the staff and themselves.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Milton Keynes sees the provision of good, accessible and responsive mental health services as a priority.
  3. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alerts for fortnightly updates on health and care.
  4. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  5. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    BLMK have published the first ICS Single Operating Plan, in response to the NHSE planning guidance published in February 2018
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  8. Report -

    The Healthwatch Milton Keynes Strategy is underpinned by our three year Business Plan.
  9. News -

    We are delighted to present our strategy for 2018-21.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  11. Report -

    This policy sets out the framework for our volunteer programme, defines the purpose and function of volunteers within the organisation, and how they can expect to be treated.
  12. Report -

    We have had a number of people contacting us, through our website and in conversations, with concerns and observations about their ability to access GP appointments, either over the phone or using the online systems available.
  13. Report -

    Through gathering patient feedback, we noticed a theme concerning access to NHS
    dentistry in Milton Keynes.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Following a competitive tendering process, on 3rd May 2018 the BID services was re-awarded the contract to provide a Sensory Support Service to adults and children living in the borough of Milton Keynes.
  16. Report -

    Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 who provide unpaid care for family members or friends who have a physical or mental illness, disability, or an addiction.
  17. News -

    In June 2018 Healthwatch Milton Keynes published our annual report for 2017/18. Please take a look at how we've worked with you as the public and patients over the last year to ensure your voice is heard across social care and health services.
  18. Report -

    Welcome to our Annual Report. Every Healthwatch publishes their annual report on 30th June each year.
  19. News -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours.
  20. Report -

    In light of a reported decline in the number of pregnant women in Milton Keynes taking up the flu vaccination, Healthwatch Milton Keynes created an online survey to capture recent mothers' experiences of the flu vaccination.
  21. Report -

    We will always make sure that your information is protected and treated securely.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  23. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  24. Report -

    Healthwatch Milton Keynes CIO Board of Trustees minutes are publicly available.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  26. News -

    AgeUK and P3 are delivering the social prescribing community referral service that can improve everyday living for people in Milton Keynes.
  27. Report -

    The purpose of this Enter and View programme was to engage with patients, their relatives or carers, to explore their experience of the care and treatment received during their stay at Windsor Intermediate Care Unit (WICU).
  28. Advice and Information -

    Choosing a care home can be daunting so it's important to have the right information. Find out more about your rights and how to complain if you are not happy.
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    In light of feedback from a number of patients registered with Wolverton Health Centre who contacted us with concerns about their experience of care, we carried out a review of patient experience and conducted an Enter and View visit to the practice.
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    New research indicates spike in emergency readmissions to hospital over the last year. Healthwatch England's report calls on NHS to fix the data gaps to help understand why.
  31. Advice and Information -

    A quick guide for people with dementia and their family and carers
  32. Report -

    The purpose of this Enter and View programme was to engage with residents and their relatives or carers, to explore their overall experience of living in Kents Hill.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is highlighting the ongoing impact of historic and current system pressures on mental health services, their staff and the people using them.
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    The MK Deal is a partnership of local health and care organisations, including Healthwatch Milton Keynes and the Integrated Care Partnership, who are coming together to influence and improve services in Milton Keynes.
  35. Blog -

    Read the latest blog on the MK Deal from our CEO, Maxine Taffetani.
  36. News -

    New data from Healthwatch England shows a worrying increase in the number of people avoiding vital care. We're calling for urgent action from government and health and care services to ensure rising costs are not a barrier to healthcare.
  37. Report -

    We know that an active lifestyle is important to prevent illness and improve our physical and mental wellbeing, helping us to feel our best.