1. Advice and Information -

    With many people sleeping rough, here's how health and care services can help those facing homelessness get the support they need.
  2. Advice and Information -

    How do you spend your time while waiting for the doctor?
    Here are three suggestions on things you can do while you wait.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Are you aware you can access a variety of out of hours appointments at your GP surgery? Your GP receptionist will be able to help you find an out of hours appointment across Milton Keynes when you need one.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch Essex, in partnership with Mencap, produced a short film encouraging people with learning disabilities to go to their annual health checks.
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    It was drawn to our attention that some GP practices restrict access to Primary Health Care to Patients who are legitimately unable to provide identification, contrary to NHS guidelines.
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    What changes do people want to make to local services in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes?
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    What changes do people want to make to local services in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes?
  8. Advice and Information -

    Did you know that everybody in England has the right to access Primary Health Care?
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    GP practices regularly turn away vulnerable patients who have a right to register with them, research by a leading medical charity shows.
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    Help make sure that your practice meets people’s accessibility requirements using this checklist from Healthwatch Slough.
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    Read a summary of Healthwatch England's latest research to find out why personalised care is important.
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    Feeling unwell? Read on for advice about where you can go for help with your health during the winter months.
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    From 31 October 2023, GP surgeries must give patients online access to their new health record entries. Find out what information is in your record and how to access it.
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    Have you seen your GP, or tried to make an appointment, in the last 12 months? If so, we'd like to hear about it.
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    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most of your GP appointment.
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    Autistic people in Milton Keynes can now get a better understanding of what to expect from screening appointments and other common NHS experiences, thanks to videos produced by Autism Bedfordshire.
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    These three local GP practices will merge from 1 July to become Watling Street Practice.