1. Advice and Information -

    Public Health have produced a Myth Busting fact sheet to help pregnant women understand the importance of the flu vaccination.
  2. News -

    Healthwatch England share what parents have told them about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy, and call on services to give people more opportunities to talk about their mental wellbeing.
  3. News -

    Last year, thousands of women told the Healthwatch Network about their experiences of mental health problems during and after pregnancy – including those who lost their babies. As part of Baby Loss Awareness Week, we're sharing stories people have shared.
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    Read a summary of Healthwatch England's latest research to find out why personalised care is important.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Talkback work for and with young people with a disability.
  6. Report -

    This report highlights the health inequalities experienced by people when health professionals are unsure how to provide treatment or clinical advice to people with  specific needs,  which may be outside the experience of that professional.
  7. News -

    Care Quality Commission's report today shows 'perfect storm' brewing for people using mental health and learning disability services.