1. News -

    We're working with the Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership on a project to improve how patients experience moving through different health and care services.
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    We explore the three main challenges people face accessing health and care services when they live alone with limited or no support.
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    In August, we supported the Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership with a project to develop health and wellbeing services in ‘neighbourhoods’ across Milton Keynes that help us to live longer, healthier lives.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Around one in five GP visits are for non-medical problems. Many things that affect our health can’t be treated by doctors or medicine alone. This includes loneliness, money problems, housing, education or employment status. NHS social prescribing link workers can connect you to the right community groups and services to help support you.
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    We’re collaborating with local partners to reduce the risk of medication errors for patients receiving at-home care from family or official carers.
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    As a direct result of your feedback, Milton Keynes City Council’s Housing Team have made changes to their policy on Social Housing Allocation.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Did you know Volunteer Responders can help you access support and services such as collecting prescriptions and shopping delivery?
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    A new team at Milton Keynes University Hospital that combines professionals across health and social care, will now give residents increased support after a stay in hospital.
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    We are delighted to present our strategy for 2018-21.
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    In June 2018 Healthwatch Milton Keynes published our annual report for 2017/18. Please take a look at how we've worked with you as the public and patients over the last year to ensure your voice is heard across social care and health services.
  11. Report -

    Welcome to our first annual report. We want to tell you how we have acted on what you have said to us and what we have been doing to help make services better in Milton Keynes.
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    Welcome to our second Annual Report in which we share how we have been fulfilling the large remit of Local Healthwatch.
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    Welcome to our third annual report. This has been a year of consolidation for Healthwatch Milton Keynes as we seek to be an independent voice surrounded by a sea of change in the health and social care sector.
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    Welcome to our fourth annual report, our first as a fully independent entity.
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    Welcome to our Annual Report. Every Healthwatch publishes their annual report on 30th June each year.
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    Our strategy sets out how we will engage with people in Milton Keynes, and ensure that those who pay for services listen and respond to the needs of the local population and design services alongside them.
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    The Healthwatch Milton Keynes Strategy is underpinned by our three year Business Plan.
  18. News -

    Check out HWMK's latest e-alerts for fortnightly updates on health and care.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    We presented our Annual Report for the last fianancial year, talked about our plans for the future, and discussed this year's theme: primary care.
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    Healthwatch Milton Keynes publish quarterly newsletters, aimed at keeping our offline members up-to-date with what we are doing.
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    Healthwatch Milton Keynes publish quarterly newsletters, aimed at keeping our offline members up-to-date with what we are doing.
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    Healthwatch Milton Keynes publish quarterly newsletters, aimed at keeping our offline members up-to-date with what we are doing.
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
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    Check out HWMK's latest e-alert for fortnightly updates on health and care
  32. Report -

    This policy sets out the framework for our volunteer programme, defines the purpose and function of volunteers within the organisation, and how they can expect to be treated.
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    We are registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
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    We will always make sure that your information is protected and treated securely.
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    Healthwatch Milton Keynes CIO Board of Trustees minutes are publicly available.