About this event
Join us for our first ever health insights event for the D/deaf community in Milton Keynes. We'll be talking:
- Health research
- Heart health
- Mental health
- Dementia and more
Dr Andy Potter, Community Cardiology and heart Health.
What to look out for, when to see a GP, how to keep your heart healthy, how to get a referral for specialist heart services.
Spencer Soilleux, CNWL Mental Health Recovery College
What is the Recovery & Wellbeing College? Practical strategies for reducing anxiety, stress, how to access services.
Louise Bates, Alzheimers Society
What is/ isn’t a sign of Dementia? How to get help as a carer/ as a person living with dementia, ways to manage? How to access services.
Watch our BSL film about this event.
British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters will be with us throughout the afternoon. Refreshments will also be available.
We also have updated and redesigned 'I can lipread/ I am Deaf and need a BSL interpreter' cards' for anyone in the D/deaf community who needs one.
We're grateful to Great Linford Parish Council who are funding this event.