Want to work with us?

It's our job to listen to the experiences of people who use health and social care services in Milton Keynes. Our team may be small, but we're passionate, committed, influential, and we create impact. 

Current vacancies 

Board Trustees (voluntary position)

Find out more


We take the health and wellbeing of staff and volunteers seriously. 

We're working towards the Healthy Workplace Award, which recognises and celebrates organisations across the East of England, who are committed to improving and maintaining a healthy and happy workplace. 

We have already been awarded two accreditations:

  • Absence management (bronze award)
  • Health and safety (bronze award)


Healthy workplace bronze accreditation: Health and safety
Healthy workplace bronze accreditation: Absence management

Want to collaborate with us?

If you are an organisation looking to work with us on a project in Milton Keynes, we'd like to hear from you. 

Get in touch