Burlington Hall Enter and View
The delay in publishing this report is due to a late response from the provider. We communicated a low level safeguarding concern to the manager, as advised by the Safeguarding team in accordance with procedure, following the visit to this care home. We have not, as yet, been provided with an update by the care home manager.
We would have liked a robust response made in relation to individual choice around personal care (the showering roster) as this was a key concern raised by residents.
We look forward to monitoring the improvements against our recommendations when we visit this care home next year.
Following our recommendations, we were delighted to see that Burlington Hall have:
- Addressed issues with the laundry by introducing a new process; all items of clothing are now labelled and a photographic inventory of belongings for each resident is kept within their notes.
- Trialed new programmes of evening entertainment for residents to find a balance of what works best for them; evening activities within the Dementia Care unit have been made open to all residents.
- Increased opportunities for social interaction between staff and residents by embedding new practices in the way administrational tasks are carried out.
And, whilst the topic of food was not highlighted within our Recommendations, the Home have since recruited an onsite Chef, enabling them to offer freshly prepared menu options influenced by residents.