Enter and View: Bluebirds Neurological Care Centre

The purpose of this Enter and View programme was to engage with residents, their relatives, or carers, to explore their overall experience of living in Bluebirds Neurological Care Centre. As well as building a picture of their general experience, we asked about experiences in relation to social isolation and physical activity.
Bluebirds supports adults with degenerative neurological conditions, including dementia, at all stages in the disease process. Residents of the home have complex neurological conditions with varied health conditions. The home welcomes visitors and family members.
What we found
Staff were observed to be kind, caring, and responsive to resident’s needs. Residents were all called by their names and spoken to in friendly and chatty tones. We saw residents communicating with care staff who were patient, allowing time for residents to speak, without rushing or completing words or sentences for them. This was observed throughout our visit as many residents have limited verbal communication skills...
During our visit we were able to observe, first hand, the care and skill of the staff...
Relatives we spoke to told us they felt the care provided was marvellous and that the staff were fantastic:
“[Resident] is happy here, calm and relaxed, so I can sleep at night.’
On the basis of this visit, Bluebirds Neurological Care was found to be a well-run
establishment, supported by skilled and caring staff, with an impressive focus on creating a caring, safe, and stimulating environment for its residents