Enter and View: Kents Hill care home
The purpose of this Enter and View programme was to engage with residents, their relatives, or carers, to explore their overall experience of living in Kents Hill care home. As well as building a picture of their general experience, we asked about experiences in relation to social isolation and physical activity.
Kents Hill Care Home is a purpose-built care home, located in a residential area of Milton Keynes. The home provides residential, dementia and nursing care alongside support to Willen Hospice for end-of-life care.
What we found
Mostly residents reported being very happy at Kents Hill, with both the carers, staff, and the home in general. In conversations we had with residents, we were given feedback ranging from good to excellent when we talked about the quality of care they received. The residents who had spent time in other care homes prior to moving to Kents Hill told us they felt very safe and happy here.
Staff not knocking when entering residents’ rooms was commented on by a few residents...it appears that staff may need reminding about the importance of gaining consent before helping people in order to maintain people’s dignity and autonomy.
“I just wish I felt like my space was mine not an open space where people just wander in”
Our recommendations include:
- Reminding staff to seek consent when entering a bedroom, or before providing personal care, would improve the feelings of both safety and autonomy for residents.
- Consider ways of improving the odour on Forget Me Not when entering from the stairwell, this might be achieved with a change in flooring, if that is possible, then more regular carpet cleaning might be an option.
- Involving residents more in the choices they have, menu or activities for example, would enhance the community spirit that Kents Hill works to develop.