We have many opportunities for people to get involved and help us achieve our mission to be and independent organsiation, providing an effective local voice for people in Milton Keynes, influencing and shaping Health and Social Care services to meet their needs.
Here are just some of the ways you can get involved as a volunteer:
- Enter and View Authorised Representatives that undertake Enter and View visits, using their excellent interpersonal skills to talk to patients about their experience. You must be able to hold a conversation, take notes, and have a desire to improve care outcomes. This role would require a time commitment of 1-2 hours per week for the course of each project. Enter and View is a structured programme, which requires a Disclosure and Barring Service Enhanced check and full training is given.
- Local Community Champions that promote the work of HWMK to all residents of Milton Keynes through the distribution of promotional material, and supporting promotional events.
- Virtual Volunteers that connect with the public and users of health and care services via online forums.
- Health & Care Researchers that support the organisation in keeping up to date with current media, policy and research news across local and national Health and Social Care issues.
- Meeting facilitators that support the organisation in hosting and facilitating events.
- Mystery Shoppers that test the patient experience of health and social care services.
- Engagement volunteers that meet with the public, listen and offer them opportunities to share their health and care experiences.
- Reader Panel volunteers that provide feedback on the content and accessibility of all literature produced by Healthwatch Milton Keynes such as reports and marketing material.
We provide full training and support for all our volunteer roles.
Read our Volunteer Policy here.
I’m interested - what next?
If you would like to find out more, without any obligation to commit, please contact us via the link below, or by calling 01908 698800.