The purpose of this Enter and View visit was to engage with inpatients at the Campbell Centre to hear about their experience whilst under the care of the acute mental health inpatient service.
The purpose of this Enter and View visit was to engage with women and families to explore their overall experience of care received when delivering their baby under the care of MKUH.
The purpose of this Enter and View visit was to engage with people who live in Learning Disability Homes and find out how they are being supported to live happy and fulfilled lives with as much independence as possible.
In August 2019 Healthwatch Milton Keynes were commissioned to deliver engagement activity with people who currently use Mental Health Supported Accommodation and Employment Support services in Milton Keynes.
Healthwatch Milton Keynes carried out an Enter & View visit to Blakelands Hospital, to engage with patients to explore their overall experience at the Hospital.
As part of our Enter and View programme in 2018/19, we visited 16 care homes in Milton Keynes to hear about residents’ experiences, particularly regarding social engagement and activities.