Our priorities for 2023-24

Here are our priorities for the people and communities of Milton Keynes for 2023-24.
A woman sitting next to a man in a wheelchair, both are smiling

Access to primary care health services

You told us what works and what needs to improve, and we’ll be working hard to  influence positive change to how people access services, and how accessible those service are for all communities. Primary care services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the 'front door' of the NHS. Primary care includes general practice, community pharmacy, dental, and optometry (eye health) services.

Improving 'system flow'

Making sure that people who have experienced complicated hospital admission, discharge and readmission journeys help to design a better system for the future.

Inequalities in MK

You told us about the inequalities of care and access you experience last year. We’re asking the Integrated Care System to improve support to those who need it the most.

Women's’ health

From pre conception to menopause, we’ll be increasing access to information and opportunities to talk about your health with peers and professionals.

Enter and view

Using our statutory power, we’ll reach people receiving care in care homes, their own homes and our hospital and publish reports about what we find and what needs to improve.


Download the full business plan for 2023-24

Business plan 2023-24